Stay grounded in your busy life + heal your gut through holistic nutrition, pilates & functional testing.

It’s time to prioritize your health + get to the root of your symptoms.

Are you tired of bloating, low energy, hair loss, acne + other mysterious symptoms?

You aren’t alone, but it also doesn’t have to be this way. Not only did I too, suffer with mysterious symptoms and chronic digestive issues - but it was taking over my life in every way. I was hospitalized a bunch as a kid, developed severe cystic facial acne and a compromised immune system- morphing into hormonal imbalances that affected my cycle and mood. This is why I made it my mission to help other women who are struggling with their gut health and get beyond their confusing IBS diagnosis.

Enter: The Gut Glow Up. A 90 day intensive gut healing program that includes functional lab testing, special space for members with pilates classes + a combination of healing modalities that will allow you to show up for yourself and others in your life. Want to have a virtual chat over coffee and learn the first step to take?

Discover a new version of yourself that feels



G · R · O · U · N · D · E · D

It’s time to prioritize your health and wellness.

Are you suffering from chronic symptoms + digestive issues?

Digestive problems are increasingly common in todays world, and there’s a reason why. High stress, toxic-processed foods, poor soil quality, and a medication to work as a band-aid for it all. Even if you don’t have obvious digestive problems, if you suffer from anything like hormonal imbalances, autoimmune disorders, fatigue, brain fog, acne, hair loss, irritability and more..your gut may need some love. Here at Grounded Wellness we have a functional testing toolkit - including the GI Map stool test, MRT food allergy panel and SIBO breath testing.

Sign up for the VIP Grounded Group all things holistic wellness and pilates

I’ve created something for everyone…

Functional Lab Testing

Not sure you’re ready to deep dive into a healing journey just yet and just want to see what state your gut health is in right now? Get your at home stool test shipped right to your door. We utilize the GI Map Stool test to give you some serious insight into whether or not you have bacterial overgrowth, inflammation, parasites, candida, and much more. This test uses science forward DNA analysis so you know you’re getting the full picture. You’ll get a full interpretation of your results in a zoom session with our practitioner.

Gut Glow Up Program

Ready to heal your gut for good? Fix your constipation and bloat with everything you need? I work closely with a few select women throughout the year to help them repair their gut health, hormones, metabolism, and change their life. This is a very personalized experience with high levels of accountability and communication that will help create the transformation you desire.

Only Serious Inquiries Apply.

Gut Health Reset Waitlist

For those of you that are looking for a step-by-step, affordable option to take you through the exact method I’ve used to heal not only my own gut, but over 75 women, this is for you. This online course comes comes complete with all of the guides and resources you need, community support and the option to add in functional lab testing to personalize your experience.

Join the waitlist to be the first to know!

Follow our journey.