At Grounded Wellness, we dig together to figure out the root cause of your bloat, anxiety, acne, constipation, chronic health issues, weight gain & more.

Functional Testing We Offer:

  • GI Map Testing

    Where Optimal Health Starts
    Eliminate the guesswork and save time & money with a GI map stool test. This is highly recommended with any nutrition protocol to promote homeostasis in the body for efficient healing. The GI map uses DNA analysis (not your typical stool test from the doctor) to identify parasites, pathogenic bacteria, inflammation, enzyme output, and much more.

    You may be looking to achieve optimal health or simply feel frustrated with how long you have been experiencing symptoms like the ones listed below:

    Diarrhea - Constipation - Brain fog - Acne - Mood disorders - Depression - Anxiety - Autoimmune Conditions - Low Energy - Fatigue - Hormonal Imbalances - Painful Periods - Unwanted weight gain/loss - Diabetes - Hair loss/no growth - Brittle Nails - Hemorrhoids - IBS - Skin Conditions - Trouble Sleeping - Bloating - Headaches - Allergies

  • MRT Food Allergy Panel

    Always suggested to work alongside the GI map test, the MRT test helps us identify exactly which foods and/or chemicals are triggering inflammation in your body. Testing over 130 different foods & 30 chemicals, we are able to create a game plan for eliminating & re-introducing these foods during your healing protocol. Intolerance to foods is often caused by a deeper issue within the gut - which can many times be reversed once healing has occurred in your digestive system.

    By the end of your gut healing protocol you’ll be able to handle a wide variety of foods without worrying what stomach issues they may cause.

  • SIBO Breath Testing

    An easy breath test to determine the presence of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth. This test is not recommended as a first approach - instead used as an additional tool once we have utilized the GI Map & MRT. SIBO can have similar symptoms to other imbalances in the gut, so we always use the GI map first to tackle any imbalances we see there. If we have healed everything else, and you are still having a few lingering symptoms - the SIBO breath test may be an option for you.

  • Custom Lab Testing

    We can discuss the symptoms you are currently having and create a custom lab test specifically for you.

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